


Action to be taken

SSE 05

SA (Scheme Administrator) Digital Certificate is not available (Authentication failure)

Customer is required to load the appropriate certificate or public key on the system. AVCS is provided in S-63 Edition 1.1 version and is authenticated against the IHO public key (a file called IHO.PUB or IHO.CRT). Customers experiencing this issue should install the public key. All AVCS CDs and DVDs contain a copy of the relevant public key in the root folder.

Most ECDIS use the IHO.CRT, except the Furuno ECDIS which uses the IHO.PUB file. If the customer is unsure they should refer to the AVCS User Guide for their ECDIS (if available) or alternatively contact their OEM for clarification.

Users of the S-63 Edition 1.0 service should upgrade to S-63 Edition 1.1 at the earliest opportunity because the IHO has terminated Edition 1.0 and their ECDIS may not be carriage compliant.

This codes relates to the ECDIS check of the authenticity of the data being loaded

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