


Action Required 

SSE 13

Cell Permit is invalid (checksum [CRC] is incorrect / decryption failure).

1. If the UKHO has been provided with an incorrect user-permit, check the user-permits number with your Distributor. The Distributor can confirm if the information is correct in Fleet Manager.

2. If the customer has multiple ECDIS, check that the permits are installed in the correct ECDIS. The Distributor can confirm which ECDIS is your Master, Back-up and Reserve.

3. If the permits are corrupt, ask your Distributor to re-send the permits. If the problem persists, contact Customer Services.

Note: This error does not always generate a CRC warning. The system may also display 'failed to uncompress'.

This codes relates to the ECDIS check of the authenticity of the data being loaded.

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